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2024 eLearning Trends to Watch Out For

Are you looking to scale up your eLearning capability in 2024? 

The eLearning industry is trying to keep up with the demand by utilising the latest technology to provide better experiences for users and learners. 

If you're developing your roadmap for 2024, you'll want to familiarise yourself with these eLearning trends so you don't end up being the one left behind.

1. Learning Experience Platforms

Now that the Learning Management System is established, the next step is to enable self-directed education to keep up with the eLearning industry standards. One of the hottest trends will be implementing a learning experience platform that can allow a range of new features for gatekeepers.

Some companies have already begun migrating to the new platforms. But more are expected to make the switch in the coming years.

2. Big Data Analytics

One of the most beneficial eLearning industry trends has been using big data analytics to customise content to the learner's needs. However, this approach isn't expected to slow down any time soon.

In fact, next year, even more data is expected to be captured and used to enhance experiences further. It will also present learners with various suitable formats to help them achieve the ideal learning outcomes.

3. MR, VR, and AR

It's expected that Mixed Reality, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality will become one of the most popular eLearning technology trends in the coming years. These experiences will allow learners to retain material instead of reading it directly off a screen. 

someone taking notes from an elearn

4. AI Tutors

With the rise of ChatGPT, artificial intelligence instructors can provide highly customisable training programs available 24/7 and accessible on various devices. It can improve interactions between the student and the AI to reach the outcomes required in their own time.

It's one of the emerging trends in eLearning that might take time to perfect. But it is something many companies believe is worth exploring.

5. Content Provided by Users

There has been a decrease in companies using suppliers to develop eLearning content. Many are choosing to utilise the knowledge of their employees instead of creating programs and providing training.

This approach is helping provide a more open and connected workspace. Especially with the advancements in collaboration tools that have made sharing content much easier.

Stay Up to Date With the Latest eLearning Trends

As businesses advance their capabilities, more eLearning trends are expected to emerge as further possibilities are discovered. It's expected to get more personalised and customisable to cater to every type of learner, no matter how they best absorb information.

You don't want to be the one to miss out on any future trends in eLearning. Make sure to follow our blog for all of the latest developments.

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