singing in the shower

5 Body Parts You Really Need to Start Washing More Regularly

What does your shower routine look like?

Let me guess. You stand underneath the showerhead and let the hot water massage your scalp for a few minutes. Then you grab your soap or shower gel and lather up your armpits, chest, groin, and legs while telling yourself you’ve got to get back to the gym. You rinse off under the water and try to remember the last time you washed your hair. You’ll do it next time, right?

So, sound familiar? You’re probably wondering what’s wrong with this routine. Well, you've missed plenty of body parts, but let’s focus on five that you should really start paying attention to next time you’re lathering up in the shower. 

1. Behind Your Ears

Didn’t your mum ever scold you for not cleaning behind your ears? It wasn’t an empty threat. The spot behind your ears is a breeding ground for dirt and bacteria. The area secretes sebum, an oily, waxy substance that eventually begins to stink if you don’t do anything about it.

2. Your Belly Button

Your belly button might get some soap shrapnel when you’re lathering up your chest, but that’s not enough to keep this area clean. Have you ever put your finger in your belly button then smelt it? If left uncleaned, the scent can be reminiscent of the milk remnants from a bowl of cereal sitting in a sink for a week. Washing isn’t enough. Make sure to dry it too, so the moisture doesn’t undo your hard work.

woman in the shower

3. Between Your Toes

Standing in water isn’t enough to clean your feet, particularly your toes. You need to scrub between your digits to ensure bacteria and dirt don’t begin to build up. It’s not your socks that’s causing your feet to smell. They stink because you’re not spending enough time cleaning them.

4. Under Your Fingernails

Many people think washing your hands means focusing on your palms and fingers. But everyone forgets about the spot underneath the fingernails, which collects dirt, grime, and bacteria. They’ve even completed studies of nail clippings and found that over 20 per cent of men had harmful bacteria living on them. So, take the extra few seconds to clean underneath those nails.

5. Your Elbows

You might not get a lot of attention from people for your elbows. However, you will if you don’t clean them properly. Think about it for a second. Your elbows lean on office desks, restaurant tables, and many other countertops you can’t guarantee are correctly cleaned. Neglecting your elbows can lead to infections or dry, scaly skin that resembles an elephant's.

Need More Help Taking Care of Yourself?

You need to start washing more than just your face, chest, groin, and legs. Start getting to those hard-to-reach areas and the spots right in front of you that might seem small but can cause big problems.

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